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Dornelius "D" Mays

Brady, Chad, Guy #2

Dornelius "D" Mays

Dornelius ā€œDā€ Mayes is an American podcaster, model and activist. In 2019, D. Mayes
began his journey as a podcaster. He launched his own podcast on multiple social media platforms on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and Spotify where he speaks about politics, entertainment, celebrity gossip, technology, and economics. D. Mayes enjoys being in front of the camera modeling various outfits. Recently, he sparked an interest in cosplay modeling and creating fictional characters who he portrays. D. Mayes also interviews local small business owners in the metro Atlanta area promoting their services and products. promoting their services and products. D.Mayes is heavily involved in the community of Atlanta, GA. He is founder of a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Men of Intelligence Association (M.O.I.A.), which provides various services including lawncare and tree cutting for seniors. M.O.I.A. also mentors young boys; teaching them how to be better in society. To improve literacy, M.O.I.A. also teaches young boys reading comprehension. In addition to helping the seniors and youth, M.O.I.A. feeds the homeless, organizes community cleanups, and their annual clothes drive. D. Mayes is honored to be making his debut in voice acting to expand his creative profession.

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